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#4364 — Inconsistent capitalization of "quotation mark" in, step 2.a

It currently starts with "If C is 0x0022 (quOTATion mark) ...", but it should be "If C is 0x0022 (quotation mark) ...".

<deviation type="slight">
I do think, in general, the names of various code points are rather inconsistent, in that some are in standard prose ("reverse solidus"), while others are in all caps ("LINE FEED"). The Unicode standard, AFAICT, has all of them labelled in all caps, but some people citing it use exclusively lower case. I know it's an either-or thing, but it feels a little inconsistent in appearance.

It would be nice for this part to get fixed, but I'm not going to hold my breath on it, since this is in the final draft.

this is actually an HTML rendering problem. The text is correctly capitalized in the original Word document and in the PDF renderings.

(the source text is styled "All CAPS")

fixed in rev39 publication draft

eliminated all "ALL CAPS" style usage to make life easier for the HTML converter.