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#4337 — Annex E: Completion reform changes

Annex E:

- Completion reform for If-Statements not listed.

- Text for SwitchStatement incorrect:
[...] if the last evaluated CaseClause or
DefaultClause produces a normal completion whose value is empty, the completion value of the SwitchStatement is undefined.

switch (0) {
case 0:
1; // fall-thru
case 1:
; // empty statement

Last evaluated CaseClause is "case 1: ;", completion value is empty, but SwitchStatement completion value is "1" (not undefined!).

- Minor issue:
In ECMAScript 2015, the normal completion value of a XXXStatement is never the value empty.
where XXXStatement is IterationStatement, SwitchStatement or TryStatement.

The completion value is even non-empty for abrupt completions:

- Text for TryStatement incorrect when Finally block is present:
If the Block part of a TryStatement evaluates to a throw completion and it has a
Catch part that evaluates to a normal completion whose value is empty, the completion value of the TryStatement is undefined.

try {
throw null;
} catch (e) {
; // empty
} finally {
return 123;

fixed in rev39 publication draft