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#4288 — 12.3.3 Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.format: Missing ReturnIfAbrupt; .length not set for bound function

12.3.3 Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.format

[First algorithm]

Step 1: Missing ReturnIfAbrupt after `this DateTimeFormat object`.

Step 2: Remove colon after "then"

Step 2.a: Creating a separate section for the function is more ECMAScript2015-y (spec wise).

> Let F be a new built-in function object as defined in

And the new section would be:
--- DateTime Format Functions

A DateTime format function is an anonymous function that optionally takes an argument date. It performs the following steps:

1. Let dtf be the this value.
2. Assert: Type(dtf) is Object and dtf has an [[initializedDateTimeFormat]] internal slot whose value is true.
3. If date is not provided or is undefined, then
a. Let x be %Date_now%().
4. Else
b. Let x be ToNumber(date).
c. ReturnIfAbrupt(x).
5. Return FormatDateTime(dtf, x).

Step 2.a.iii: Remove "the result of"

Step 2.b: The bound function should have at least a .length property, maybe even a .name property.

Step 3: Duplicate full stop

[Second algorithm]

Step 1: Omit "then"
Step 3: Inline ECMAScript syntax not explained in "5 Notational Conventions".
Step 3: Change `).` to normal instead of bold font
Step 5: Change `).` to normal instead of bold font
Step 9.a: Remove colon after "then"
Step 9.a.iv: Omit "then"
Step 9.a.v: Omit "the"
Step Omit "the"
Step Omit "the"

> [First algorithm]

> Step 1: Missing ReturnIfAbrupt after `this DateTimeFormat object`.


> Step 2: Remove colon after "then"


> Step 2.a: Creating a separate section for the function is more ECMAScript2015-y (spec wise).

> Let F be a new built-in function object as defined in

And the new section would be:
--- DateTime Format Functions

A DateTime format function is an anonymous function that optionally takes an argument date. It performs the following steps:

1. Let dtf be the this value.
2. Assert: Type(dtf) is Object and dtf has an [[initializedDateTimeFormat]] internal slot whose value is true.
3. If date is not provided or is undefined, then
a. Let x be %Date_now%().
4. Else
b. Let x be ToNumber(date).
c. ReturnIfAbrupt(x).
5. Return FormatDateTime(dtf, x).


> Step 2.a.iii: Remove "the result of"
> Step 2.b: The bound function should have at least a .length property, maybe even a .name property.

length property added

> Step 3: Duplicate full stop


[Second algorithm]

> Step 1: Omit "then"


> Step 3: Inline ECMAScript syntax not explained in "5 Notational Conventions".

Yes, it's part of

> Step 3: Change `).` to normal instead of bold font
> Step 5: Change `).` to normal instead of bold font
> Step 9.a: Remove colon after "then"
> Step 9.a.iv: Omit "then"
> Step 9.a.v: Omit "the"
> Step Omit "the"
> Step Omit "the"
