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#4066 — algorithm simplification

In "Date.prototype.setTime ( time )",
steps 1 and 2 say:
1. Let O be the this value.
2. If Type(O) is not Object or O does not have a [[DateValue]] internal slot,
throw a TypeError exeption.

In the specification of other Date.prototype functions, these checks are accomplished in thisTimeValue(), which is implicitly invoked by referring to "this time value". So for consistency, replace the above steps with:

1. Let t be this time value.
2. ReturnIfAbrupt(t).

(or just "ReturnIfAbrupt(this time value)", since we don't need the value of t).

And then in step 6, replace /O/ with "this Date object".

fixed in rev35 editor's draft

fixed in rev35

Almost. You still need to change "the this value" to "this time value",
otherwise the more detailed checks no longer happen.

fixed in rev36 editor's draft

in rev36