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#4059 — 14.4 Generator Function Definitions: Remove [Yield] parameter from GeneratorBody

14.4 Generator Function Definitions

[Yield] is always present for generators, so the grammar can be simplified to:

GeneratorMethod[Yield] :
* PropertyName[?Yield] (StrictFormalParameters[Yield,GeneratorParameter] ) { GeneratorBody }

GeneratorDeclaration[Yield, Default] :
function * BindingIdentifier[?Yield] ( FormalParameters[Yield,GeneratorParameter] ) { GeneratorBody }
[+Default] function * ( FormalParameters[Yield,GeneratorParameter] ) { GeneratorBody }

GeneratorExpression :
function * BindingIdentifier[Yield]opt ( FormalParameters[Yield,GeneratorParameter] ) { GeneratorBody }

GeneratorBody :

So basically changing `GeneratorBody[Yield]` to just `GeneratorBody` and `FunctionBody[?Yield]` to `FunctionBody`.

And change RuntimeSemantics: CreateDynamicFunction(constructor, newTarget, kind, args) step 3.a to:
> Let goal be the grammar symbol GeneratorBody.

fixed in rev35 editor's draft

fixed in rev35