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#4000 — 25.2 GeneratorFunction Objects

In the informal diagram:

* Move @@iterator() from (Generator).prototype to (IteratorPrototype)
* Suggestion: REPLACE function *g1() {yield} WITH function* g1() {}
* Object name: REPLACE new g1() WITH g1()

@@iterator has been moved

I think the "yield" is ok an a reinforcement that this is a generator function

have new on the g1 instance is consistent (other than the missing () ) with what is shown for f. It seems like a good re-enforcement that it is an instance.

I think I'll keep the new, but drop the ()

I find it interesting that:

1. a generator function is so much like a constructor function,
2. but not invoked via `new`.

#1 is nicely explained diagrammatically, via the `instanceof` line and because g1 has a prototype. I would explain #2 by showing that g1 is invoked without `new`, that its invocation looks like a function call. You are showing something that is not legal JavaScript and I suspect that that may confuse readers.

Generator functions are new-able. See

BTW, the main purpose of diagram is to help implementors (and others) understand how this is all wired-up

(In reply to Axel Rauschmayer from comment #2)

BTW, feel free to borrow that diagram or a variation of it if you're so inclined.

“Generator functions are new-able.”
Ah, wasn’t aware. That nullifies my objection.

“feel free to borrow that diagram”
Thanks! Working on it, first try:

fixed in rev35 editor's draft

fixed in rev35