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#3967 — EvalDeclarationInstantiation: WebCompat and lexical redeclaration checks in with/catch blocks Runtime Semantics: EvalDeclarationInstantiation( body, varEnv, lexEnv, strict)

EvalDeclarationInstantiation should probably skip object environment records, because object env records can hold arbitrary bindings. Currently they're processed:
js> function f() { with({a: 0}) eval("var a = 1") } f()
uncaught exception: SyntaxError: redeclaration of variable: "a"

I'm not sure if it is necessary for web-compat to special case catch blocks when checking for lexical redeclarations. Currently:
js> function f() { try {throw null} catch (e){ eval("var e = 0") } } f()
uncaught exception: SyntaxError: redeclaration of variable: "e"

"B.3.5 VariableStatements in Catch blocks" explicitly allows this form, does EvalDeclarationInstantiation need a similar extension?
js> function f() { try {throw null} catch (e){ var e = 0 } } f()

fixed in rev34 editor's draft

including additions to B.3.5

fixed in rev34