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#3963 —, 9.2.11, 14.1.*, 14.2.*, 14.4.*: Remove NeedsSuperBinding

14.1.17 Static Semantics: NeedsSuperBinding
14.1.22 Runtime Semantics: InstantiateFunctionObject
14.1.23 Runtime Semantics: Evaluation
14.2.12 Static Semantics: NeedsSuperBinding
14.4.11 Static Semantics: NeedsSuperBinding
14.4.13 Runtime Semantics: InstantiateFunctionObject
14.4.15 Runtime Semantics: Evaluation RuntimeSemantics: CreateDynamicFunction(constructor, newTarget, kind, args)

NeedsSuperBinding can be removed now that SuperProperty is no longer valid in Function{Expression,Declaration} and Generator{Expression,Declaration}.

And: NewFunctionEnvironment ( F, newTarget ) Abstract Operation
Step 8.b can be removed, `home` is never undefined.

9.2.11 MakeMethod ( F, homeObject) Abstract Operation
The assertion in step 2 can be changed to:
> Assert: Type(homeObject) is or Object.

This also means [[NeedsSuper]] could be removed, because
[[NeedsSuper]] <=> ([[HomeObject]] /= undefined) holds.

fixed in rev34 editor's draft

*** Bug 4006 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

fixed in rev34