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#3937 — 10.2.1: unused+missing definitions

In 10.2.1 "Strict Mode Code",
the second sentence says:
When processed using strict mode the four types of ECMAScript code are
referred to as module code, strict global code, strict eval code, and
strict function code.

Leaving aside "module code" (already defined in 10.2), there's no point to defining the other three terms, because they aren't used anywhere in the spec.
(Well, there's one near-hit: Annex C has the phrase "strict mode eval code", but Annex C is merely informative, and I think the meaning is clear enough without defining a term.)

You can just delete that sentence, and in the subsequent bullets, change e.g.
Global code is strict global code if ...
to just
Global code is strict code if ...

So those are defined-but-not-used terms. Conversely, there are also some related used-but-not-defined terms. Here are the ones I found:

strict ECMAScript function object(s)
strict function(s)
strict mode Function object
strict mode function(s)

strict mode references

fixed the 10.2.1 usages

will come back to look at the used but not defined terms. Just from the list they seem self-explanatory

replaced all the "(non-)strict (ECMAScript) function(s)" with "(non-)strict mode (ECMAScript) function(s)"

other wise, I think the meaning of that phrase (and its variants) is clear enough.

Elimianted the one use of "strict mode reference"

fixed in rev34 editor's draft

fixed in rev34