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#3932 — 15.1.1 Early Errors: Incomplete early error restrictions for "super" and "" in eval code

15.1.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors

> It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains super unless
> the source code containing super is eval code that is being
> processed by a direct eval that is contained in function code.

> It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains NewTarget unless
> the source code containing NewTarget is eval code that is being
> processed by a direct eval that is contained in function code.

(This is probably a follow-up of bug 3844.)

The early error restrictions are incomplete for arrow functions which are not embedded in a function with a this-binding.

For example this script:
(() => eval(""))();

Does not produce an early error with the current semantics because the eval script is executed within function code. But when `` gets evaluated, 8.3.4 GetNewTarget ( ) will throw an assertion error in step 2.

fixed in rev34 editor's draft
see 15.1.1 and 14.2.3

fixed in rev34