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#3791 — Table of Well-Known Intrinsic Objects has many empty cells

The table of Well-Known Intrinsic Objects in section has many empty cells. I can generally guess what the global names and ECMAScript Language associations for the given intrinsic names might be, but explicit information would be better.

fixed in rev33 editor's draft

fixed in rev33

The table is now better populated, but several entries look fishy:

%DataaViewPrototype% → %DataViewPrototype%

%DatView% → %DataView% (in %DataViewPrototype% row)

Float32Array.prototype, Float64Array.prototype: using mix of fonts

%Generator%: initial value of the prototype property of %GeneratorFunction%?

%GeneratorFunction%: constructor of generator objects(25.2.1)?


Math% → Math

Object.prototype: wrong font

%ObjProto_values%: Object.prototype. toString? The initial value of the toString data property of %ObjectPrototype% (

Reflect% → Reflect

Sset.prototype → Set.prototype

Symbol.Prototype: wrong font

super clas → super class (in %TypedArray% row)

Uint8ClampedArray: mix of fonts

Uint8ClampedArray.prototype: mix of fonts

fixed in rev34 editor's draft

except that %Generator% description is correct, although some what odd

fixed in rev34

Verified in rev 34 draft.